Injured chicken


Jan 30, 2016
Hi all,

I have five eight day old chicks in a brooder that's in my house at the moment. I woke this morning to find that my cat has managed to reach in and attack one chick. She has a wound on one wing and her other is all but gone. Is there anything I can do to help her chances of survival? She doesn't seem to be too stressed but I'm worried she will go into shock and I'll loose her.

Thanks for any suggestions.

It would be best to go straight over to the emergency forum. Post what happened, the extent of the injuries and what course of action you have taken so far. While you're waiting for an answer, separate her from the other chicks (if you haven't already) and clean her wounds so they don't get infected. Keep her isolation area warm with a light and put some electrolytes in her water.

Good luck, I hope she'll be ok.
I'm very sorry to hear that. That is the problem with cats, they can't resist from maiming or killing things smaller than themselves. You either have to keep them under lock and key, or protect chickens that way. Chickens generally have great recuperative powers but, I doubt baby chicks are among them. Shock is what usually kills them - and also protects them from the pain of being eaten alive. Either way it is not a good outcome.
Thanks for the reply. The poor thing is doing a lot of sleeping. I have made some changes to the brooder so the cat won't be able to reach in anymore.
Sorry, i did not welcome you on your other thread on the same topic, so
I hope that you enjoy being a member of BYC as much of the rest of us.

all the best
Sorry, i did not welcome you on your other thread on the same topic, so :welcome  I hope that you enjoy being a member of BYC as much of the rest of us.

all the best

Thank you.. I am always reading threads on this site whenever I have any questions so I thought I might as well join. Everyone has been so helpful :)

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