injured chinese gosling


7 Years
Feb 14, 2012
I dont know the gender of them but I got them last year they are the same age as the ducks which are laying.
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I'm not well versed on Africans, but my geese, which are mixed Emden and Chinese, carry their tails differently. The ganders are pointed in an upward slant and the geese are either horizontal, or slightly downward. Seems to be more pronounced while swimming........Pop
If I had to guess I would say gander and goose, however based on my experience thoes are not "true" africans, thoes look to be hatchery quality africans which are actualy eaither large chinese geese or african/chinese cross

but they look nice!
im sorry have know ideal
These are no-dewlap Africans, it appears. I agree with poulry09 that they are probably "hatchery" Africans, not show-type. But they look healthy and have nice solid builds. The top picture looks like a gander, the second picture looks like a goose. A gander will have a larger "knob" than the goose, and that's how it looks here.

If the one with the larger knob acts protective of the other, that would also be a sign that they are a "couple," and the male is protecting the female. She should be laying soon. If she's a she (and I think she is).
they fight when he trys to breed... one of them is always with a pekin duck. Will she try to hide her eggs?
Geese are funny that way, they will sometimes bond with a duck instead of with the available goose. My African gander had an Emden goose as his mate, but when she passed away (she was an "older woman"), he was content to mate with my poor ducks and even a drake.
I had to separate them from him for a while so he wouldn't hurt them in his attempts. Now he is a lot calmer and while he seems have a favorite duck, he is gentler and less aggressive.

Usually geese and ducks will make their nesting area in a hidden or non-obvious place, so if your goose is laying she may be depositing the eggs behind a bush or inside a shelter or wherever it isn't in the open. Mine lay theirs in the wood-shavings bedding in a corner of a small empty stall in the back of the barn. They cover the eggs with shavings whenever they leave the nest.
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I beleive they are both males. Because ive never seen any eggs. So my mom let me get 4 goslings and we also got 5 ducklings and im getting more ducklings tomorrow..

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