Injured Duck!


In the Brooder
Sep 24, 2015
I've been searching all over the internet but have yet to find any help so I thought I would see if anyone here has any answers.

Last night when I got home I found out that one of my ducks got in a fight with one of my chickens. I seperated the chicken and put the duck in its own pen but I dont know what to do with its injuries.
The duck is about four months old. She has a scratch near her eye and it was bleeding quite a lot. The eye is still there but she is constantly squinting. It also appears to be slightly swollen but I'm not quite sure. I can take a picture if it will help any.
She doesn't seem to be in much pain. She's been eating and drinking normally but walks with a slight limp.
I dont know what to do. Should I give her some type of medicine or would it be best to allow it to heal on its own?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I would get some saline to flush it out or some Vetericyn Eye Wash or Eye Gel to use twice a day. Terramycin Eye Ointment would also work. Infection can cause blindness.
I would get some saline to flush it out or some Vetericyn Eye Wash or Eye Gel to use twice a day. Terramycin Eye Ointment would also work. Infection can cause blindness.

Thank you for the help.
I went to my local feed store and purchased some bird friendly antibiotics
and ointments and have been cleaning the wound twice a day. I think she may be blind in
the injured eye but its looking much better and shes doing great.

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