Injured hen


5 Years
Oct 6, 2016
Phoenix Az.
I have a 2 1/2 month old hen that was picked up and seems to be injured by my sons new hunting dog. The older dog protects them with no problems. Anyway the hen showed no visible injuries but limps now. The leg is in the correct position, not floppy, twisted etc. She is slowly limping around. She is not being pecked on by the other girls but I'm watching just in case she needs to be separated for safety. What can I expect?
She's moving, just slower than the rest (unless she really needs to get a move on) with the limp. I'm in Arizona, everything moves less in the summer. She was in line to get treats today with everyone. I watched her go up the ramp to the coop. I'm assuming she sat in a nest box, not on the roost bar.
It sounds like she may have been squeezed - could just be a sprain/leg injury that needs time to heal or possibly nerve damage - time will tell.
Have you checked for any hidden puncture wounds, cuts or scrapes?

If she is limping badly, then restricting her activity level may be a a good idea so she can rest and heal. A wire dog crate or kennel works well - place it in the run so she can be with the flock - let her sleep with the flock at night. Sprains and injuries can take several days to weeks, depending on how severe. Offer her some poultry vitamins that contain B2 and see that she is eating well.
Thanks. I looked her over real good and saw no punctures. No broken bones. Not even a broken feather (good bird dog). She is acting like it never happened except shes #3 in line getting anywhere with her siblings. She seems less bothered today, but still limping. She prefers being with the flock but I'll think about a calm recovery kennel.
She made a fast move and that's when the new bird dog picked her up, instinct thing. He's getting more training to leave just the chickens alone. The older dog lays in the middle of them and never bothers them. But let a wild bird show up and She chases them away. She has helped the food bill a lot.
If she is doing o.k. and no one is picking on her, just wait and see how she does.

Using a recovery kennel, definitely place it in the run or next to the flock, they heal much better being with the flock if at all possible. I've found with an injured bird in cage, everyone hangs out with her or wants in her cage -LOL But that just may be my birds too.

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