Injured hen


May 26, 2013
I have a hen that got one of her toes hung in the coop wire when the roost fell and she was stretched out hanging for a period of time. I'm not sure how long she had been hanging there but she was really stretched out. After I unhooked her and felt her leg and thigh, I don't feel anything broken and her leg seems to work without pain but she is not able to stand or walk on it. She may have strained the muscles and tendons since she was probably flailing around until she got worn out. I have her on the ground with her legs tucked back under her like natural setting. Does anyone on this site think she will eventually get her strength back and start walking again or do we just need to put her down?
I would make her comfortable and give her food and water and treats. Keep her warm if you live in the north. I think you'll have to wait and see.
That's what we have done. So far, she is responding pretty well. Trying to walk a little bit. We shall see how she does. Thanks.

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