Injured Orpington rooster


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2021
Hi everyone, my two Orpington roosters suddenly started to fight last week. When I got home after work there were feathers everywhere and they were still going at it! I separated them and my favourite- the lemon cuckoo just stood in the field not moving. The blue seemed fine other than minor wattle damage. I rehomed the blue and the lemon rapidly took a turn for the worse. It’s been a week and he can’t stand up. I move him in and out of the coop morning and evening on a bed of shavings with his tail off the end of an upturned horse water trough so his droppings fall down and he’s not sitting in his own filth. He has food and water within reach and seems ok other than the fact he won’t move. His comb is a good colour and he is pretty alert. He’s very kind so he lets me pet him and eats treats from my hand. The girls are good to him so I don’t feel I need to separate him- I think he’d be miserable isolated.

What I’m wondering long should I give him? Will this potentially heal or will I need to cull him? Thank you...


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I'd give him more time. They fight with their feet and I had spur bruises from a rooster once that hurt for almost 2 weeks. Look him over really well. Part his feathers and look for bruising. 1/2 of an 81mg aspirin won't hurt him. If you give it to him and he's moving around more after then maybe he's in a bit of pain or discomfort and doesn't want to move around too much.

If he's eating and drinking and not in obvious distress I'd let him rest for at least another week or two if needed. He seems like a sweetie. Hopefully no broken bones or ribs on him.
I'd give him more time. They fight with their feet and I had spur bruises from a rooster once that hurt for almost 2 weeks. Look him over really well. Part his feathers and look for bruising. 1/2 of an 81mg aspirin won't hurt him. If you give it to him and he's moving around more after then maybe he's in a bit of pain or discomfort and doesn't want to move around too much.

If he's eating and drinking and not in obvious distress I'd let him rest for at least another week or two if needed. He seems like a sweetie. Hopefully no broken bones or ribs on him.
Awesome, thank you🙏🏻 I really don’t want to lose him. I called our local vet but they don’t do chickens. One of their staff members is experienced though and walked me through a leg exam. I have no idea what I’m doing but she didn’t think it was broken, thankfully. I am a little worried it could be his hip or something though...
If you try to stand him up with your hands underneath for support, will he stand a little?
I mean he was standing when you found him.
I’ve done that the past few days and massaged his legs etc. I think he’s getting a little bit better each day🙏🏻💫 He is moving his legs and wings a little now when I carry or lift him up. He’s eating well- I’m hand feeding him lots of healthy treats. Here’s hoping I’m not imagining it and he continues to improve❤️

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