Injuries while caring for your chickens

Try Merderma for the scarring!! Hope you get to feeling better!!
Ouch -- good show there! Best thing to do in general is keep that sucker good and clean. And don't walk into any more rakes.

I put myself into physical therapy over the chickens. Spent all summer 2010 digging post holes by hand for their run, which started me down the path to tendonitis/tendon impingement in my right shoulder. THEN, to top it off, one soggy morning I slipped in the run, grabbed the house for support, and wrenched the daylights out of the same shoulder. Spent two weeks holding it folded up against my chest because it hurt so bad, then we to PT. Sounds like it's going to be with me for life, too, since it's started clicking and pulling again with the weather getting cooler.

Then this summer, when moving concrete half-blocks for the new brooder house, I dropped one on my foot. While wearing canvas shoes. Much swearing and rolling on the ground ensued. Foot turned a pleasant shade of greeny purple.

Oh, yeah, and summer 2010 I also crushed the end of my thumb with a hammer while putting together braces for those posts I was setting. Set two posts immediately afterwards, too, didn't have much choice. Brother-in-law (an athletic trainer) claims I probably broke it, but it wasn't displaced, so nobody was going to do anything for me.

I guess the moral of the story is that people like you and I should probably spend our entire lives in a padded room somewhere
But the good news is that we can be klutz-buddies.
OK, here is how to heal the wife took 200 stitches in the face as a result of a car accident on the highway at highway speeds. Purchase a product called Cell Food (health store or online). Acquire a supply of Q-tips. Using purified water, add 2 - 5 drops of Cell Food to one ounce of water (shot glass). Using Q-tips lightly apply the solution to the stitched area. If it stings badly, reduce the strength by a couple of drops. I found with the wife, I varied it by how she felt, etc. Apply several times a day (3-5). You want to feel a little reaction to the solution imho, for best results...or just below that strength.

She also had deep gashes to her leg from under the dash. No stitches there. Applied the same solution to that. Now, they can be barely seen. Hospital Drs said that she would have that gash scar forever....nope. Would not see it if not looking.

Be patient and apply for months. Healing badly traumatized tissue is a slow process. She has virtually no evidence of having had 200 stitches in her face today. You would have to know where to look and look closely to see where they were.

Good luck. This is what our Family Dr had us do.

ETA - Just read about Merderma above. Interesting.
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Keeping it moist is important to minimize scarring. I recently had minor surgery to remove a basal cell carcinoma on my face - about a 1 1/2 inch incision. The doctor told me to keep neosporin and a bandage on it until it was completely healed - which I did. It was just about 6 weeks ago, and it is not noticeable at all. Sorry for your accident. I believe I'd have a heart-to-heart with DH about leaving hazards lying around. Hope your face heals well with no scarring.
LOL glad to have found one.... every klutz needs a buddy.

Thanks for the advice. Pharmacist friend is coming for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow with his new doctor girlfriend... I am going to bounce all the great suggestions here for products off them and see what they think. Pharmacist said he would bring me some items to try.

Thanks, too, for the well wishes. I thought I got off pretty lucky, looking at yesterday evening, and woke this morning to see that the blood had all pooled down into my eyes. Now that is a really pretty sight... Ack. Swelling in my nose and eyes is worse, but the gash is healing and I think I can stop using steristrips tomorrow maybe....

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Try coconut oil for the scarring. I have a skin graft on my foot that had an ugly scar, started using coconut oil on it and the scar has faded so much you have to look realy close to see it.
I actually think it was a good thing you did not wear your glasses! What if you would have stepped on the rake (in the bad light) anyway!? Not good!
Does anyone have any advice on how to minimize scarring on your forehead? It is really gross. I am going to look like Frankenstein for Thanksgiving.... Thank goodness I have bangs now. And, any other good stories about chicken care related injuries?


I vote you declare Thanksgiving to be a formal dress dinner. Then wear a hat. With a veil.

I haven't had major chicken-related injuries, but I have with dogs. Leash-related injuries resulted in me having surgery - hope yours heals without that kind of intervention!​
I have a dang bad one now. I had put up a piece of welded wire across the front of a doorway, separating the chicks from the adult birds. I was stepping over it and lost my balance. Even though it had no sharp edges, I managed to jab the wire about 1/8 inch into my leg in 2 places. It looks like crap, is purple in a spot about 2 inches X 4 inches.

I won't even touch the "dog injuries" I'd be here all day!

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