Innoculating Hens

Are you talking about a vaccination or just exposing them. Coccidia is everywhere so they've surely already been exposed. However, there are 9 species that infect chickens so it's possible that an adult chicken brought from one area to another may encounter a new species but unlikely. Usually by adulthood they're resistant.
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My three adult hens got it from a couple of "Hobos" that decided to start hanging around our place. I've been treating them for it for a week, then will wait another week and do another round. Wondered if after they are clear of the second round if I can safely vaccinate them to prevent this happening again.
I don't think vaccinating at this point will help. A treatment with Corid (amprolium) should knock it out and now they've been exposed so should develop resistance. IMHO, vaccination has limited success anyway.

Do you have predators where you live? I noticed your pen is wrapped in chicken wire.
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Yes, we have stray dogs, coyote rarely but do have an active bobcat population and racoons. When I learned all this was AFTER my pen went up, so yes, we ARE changing it to hardware cloth fencing LOL. Although at night, when predators are active (except dogs of course), we have the girls securely locked into the roost house with the window closed and pop door lowered and locked. Unless it can crawl through a 1/4" wide ventilation register, it's not reaching them.
hmmm, guess I best get the hardware cloth onto that storm window pronto then so I can leave it open

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