Instantly Obsessed


Apr 18, 2021
Extreme NE Indiana
Hello, all! My name is Susie; I am from the NE corner of IN, where I was born and raised. After 10 years of trying to convince my dh that I really do want chickens, I finally have a small flock of five hens. They are all mixed breeds and one the breed is unknown. I do know that I have a Barred Rock, an Easter Egger, a Copper Moran/Cochin cross (she is the sweetest thing!), a Red Star, and a mostly white gal (the friends that gave her to me did not know her breed).

We have raised goats and cattle before but this is my first go at poultry and I am already head over heels for these ladies! My husband and I are nearly empty nesters, after raising 5 humans, so I am free to pamper my girls. lol
Also running around our little corner of the world are two dogs (an American Lab and a Heinz 57 with some beagle somewhere in the mix), two sweet kitties that are indoor/outdoor, and a mama kitty and her 5 little boys that have taken over our barn. Yes, that is a lot of cats, but that also means no mice. Or chipmunks. Or low flying sparrows. Seriously, these cats can hunt!
I have spent the last month doing so much research and reading thread after thread here on BYC; I thought it time I introduce myself. Who need FB or Insta when I can scroll through BYC!

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