Instructions for draining fluid?


13 Years
May 26, 2009
Western MA
Hi all, one of my 2 year old red sex-links has been doing poorly for about a week. Her abdomen below her vent is very swollen with fluid, her comb is dark and droopy, she's lethargic and hasn't been laying. I thought that she was egg bound, but after a few warm sitz baths and inspecting her vent with a gloved and lubed finger, there is just no egg. So now I suspect that she is laying internally. She's still eating and drinking and pooping, but she's obviously suffering and I have to do something. There are not any vets in my area that will see chickens.

I learned a lot from Speckled Hen's excellent thread - and this one - but I have not been able to find any instructions for draining the fluid. I can stop at the pharmacy today for supplies, so I am wondering what I need to get.

Needle/syringe - what size?
Other supplies - ? bandages, disinfectant, antibacterial cream?

How do I make the area in which the procedure is performed as sterile as possible? And any advice on how to prep the site, where to aim the needle, how far in it needs to go, etc? Should she go on an antibiotic after (which one?) or does that depend on the color of the fluid removed?

Thanks! I appreciate any input!
you may have to get those supplies from a vendor/ supply magazine, not sure if you can purchase needles say from CVS, they might think you are a drug user. I would be very careful if I were to stick a needle in a chickens belly, you could do more harm than good. do not insert the needle to far, just a bit under the skin, with needles the higher the number the thinner the needle and the smaller the hole it makes. sorry I'm not much help, sounds like she is not doing well, that's to bad. hope someone can help
Thanks, Tammye... I appreciate any suggestions as this is all completely new to me. It sounds like this problem is pretty common and a few BYC members have performed the procedure successfully. I work with quite a few pharmacists for my job and was able to get the needles and syringes without a problem. We decided to go with a 20 gauge needle and 20 CC syringes. I actually just got some good news from home that the color has returned to Beatrix Von Hasslemeyer's comb and she's eating like a champ and seems to have gotten some energy back. Trying not to get my hopes up too much! I would love NOT to have to do this!!

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