Integrating 2 groups of chicks


Jan 19, 2021
30 miles north of Tulsa, OK
I have a few day-old chicks that I need to integrate with another group of chicks that are 9 days older. All are EEs from the same flock. Would it be best to integrate sooner or a bit later? I can wait until the chicks are 11 and 20 days old if that would help?
i usually wait until theyre fast on their feet to try putting them with older ones .. 3-4 days ..
At 11 days and 20 days old, you can just toss them together as long as you have a brooding space big enough for all of them. For safety it'd be best to supervise for the first hour or two but you really shouldn't have issues since they're so young still (but not SO young that the younger ones would risk being run over by the older ones).

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