Integrating 8 week old chicks with full grown hens and one roo

I have successfully integrated chicks as young as six weeks into my flock. I got them as four week olds, kept them in a separate enclosure inside the pen and also inside the coop at night, so the hens and roo's could see them and hear them but not hurt them. My most recent batch is eight weeks. I just let them loose with the flock inside the enclosure, I stayed for close to an hour watching. Only one hen out of twenty paid them any notice at all, she chased and pecked them a bit, but she's sort of a witchy girl if you know what I mean. They learned pretty quickly to stay far away from her. They do have a safe area under the coop they can get to that the big ones can't get in. I specifically chose my flock because I did not want breeds known to be aggressive, I have Orpingtons, Welsummers, Easter Eggers, Speckled Sussex, an Australorp and a Wyandotte who's too busy brooding to notice the newbies.
What a timely post, and I loved the link to all the info. We just put three 15 week old pullets in our special needs coop. There are two other hens and a rooster in there already. there is no way I can section off part of it for the babies. We are going to get up very early tomorrow morning and be with them when they all come out.

Nervous mom, for sure!
we've been slowing introducing ours, but they HATE my silkie! BAH! they[re not too bad with the chicks though/
So we set them lose in the run (which is open on one end during the day so the older flock can free range. They stuck together (all 4 of the chicks - we didn't end up getting the fifth) as a group and ran around the run staying away from the older hens and rooster. Occasionally one of the older hens would come over and check them out and maybe peck one of them half heartedly before turning away. The rooster pecked two of them, once each, to assert his dominance.

The chicks were very nimble and moved out of the way of the older chicks - and they stuck together.

Tonight I placed them in a medium sized all wire dog crate (with a pad on the bottom and pine shavings for sleeping) - and placed it inside the coop so that they could sleep together with the flock - but seperate enough to be safe.

So far so good - thanks for all of the advice, and I will post as things progress
Thanks again for posting! Our integration was successful. The little ones were very cute coming out this morning. But for the most part, our roo was the only one to be slightly pushy. The little silkies are pretty bold creatures!
Well, I might be out of the ordinary! I have 3 RIRs and 3 NHRs - coming up on 9 weeks old. I bought 3 each Americaunas, Barred Rocks and Buckeyes - they're just now coming up on 3 weeks old. I introduced them to the older girls when they were 1 1/2 weeks old, and watched closely for several hours, then several days. The older girls literally took the babies under their wings, keeping them warm at night and being protective when I entered the henhouse. The babies are now inside the house for a minute - I lost 2 of the Buckeyes to a cold front and extremely heavy winds and rain - trying to figure out when to reintroduce them, but I was amazed - and pleaseantly surprised - that the RIRs and NHRs readily accepted the new birds!

But everything I read about introducing new birds says what the others have said - segregate for a while, get them used to each other, then integrate. Not real sure I'd do it my way again, once I get the babies back in the henhouse.

Good luck! Have a great day, and God bless!
It's hard to say all depends on the birds, Maybe put them in same coop as him but keep them seprate with a gate or something untill they get used to each other, then let them out together in the yard and watch.

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