integrating new chicks to existing flock of chicks

I just read where someone removed the aggressive chick and let the new ones mingle with and get to know the others. They said by removing the "chick in charge" for a while, it lost it's place in the pecking order. I also read where someone said to put vinegar on the chicks' backs so they all smell the same to each other. hmmmm....
Integrating chicks is easy, I find that eggs are much harder to integrate...............................

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Now that's adorable! Haha

I'm thinking I'm going to separate everyone again and setup something to where they can clearly see each other for a couple days. The little ones are huddled in a corner and the new chick in with them is pacing for her sisters. I think I jumped the gun on this one, will try again tomorrow! At least I got to see their temperaments and will use that to my advantage next time
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X2 I have an EE who is bothering my new pullet but i put the new one in a kennel since Friday the day I got her but as of yesterday their roosting together but when she tries 2 eat she is chased off still
so i provide feed/water for her in the top of the coop
I am about to move my 9 week olds to the main coop. They have been in the yard and "motherless" for a couple of weeks. The other chickens are used to them being around though the younger ones seem to want to stay clear of the older ones.
The kids have been anxious to be with the big girls for a few days. Checking out the coop but being chased out by one of the 19 week old.
After it is good and dark I will move the seven of them to the big coop. Hope for the best in the am. I have enough boxes for them to seek shelter.

A funny thing is that the two "moms" had abandoned them but now hold off the pullets from pecking on them. It is pretty amazing actually.

Hope all goes well with your mingling!
I have been going through similar issues for a month now. I have two groups of chickens....four are 13 wks and the other two are 10 wks. There is a rooster in the older group that terrorizes our little ones. I kept my little ones in the brooder until they were 6 wks and then put them in with the older ones. My chickens free range in their own section of our yard and then coop up at night. There are plenty of hiding spots in the yard for the little ones to seek refuge when the older ones (mostly the roo) would peck them. I also put out two feeding stations in the yard, so the babies always had access to food and water. The first few nights were a little scary b/c I had to make the little ones go into the coop. They would cower in the corner while the older ones roosted, but no one was physically harmed.

It has now been a month and I have to say that they are still not fully integrated. The little ones are still not allowed to eat with the older ones and they still keep to themselves when grazing. I will say that everyone coops up at night no problems now....and the little ones are starting to use the roost....although they are at one end with the older ones at the other. I have seen some progress....a couple of the older hens are starting to tolerate the younger ones grazing next to them.

Just wanted you to know that this can be a slow process, but I am hoping that mine will finally integrate. Good luck! Hopefully, yours will not take that long
Luckily I have more than one coop. I just integrated two flocks into one. I moved them to one of the other coops that had more nest boxes. There was a little squabbling. I told them they had to work things out for themselves. There was no serious problems. I thought since it was new territory for both flocks and one flock would not be moving into a place where another flock was established. I put another feeder and waterer outside the coop so they have food and water both inside and outside of the coop so if any birds want to try to keep others from eating or drinking they have another feeder and waterer to go to.
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I am so glad to read these stories and ideas. We go into our run and sit quite a bit, so I will probably take a large spray bottle with the concentrated setting on it and do my own pecking if I see one bullying a little one. Let's hope they all magically get along since I only have one coop to mesh them.
I have a rabbit hutch that I use as *transitional housing* for any new chicks, and it also acts as the broody hutch. Basically I will start with it up by my house, with them inside. My flock can come up and check them out while the chicks inside are still safe. If there is a mom with them, I will let them out, but they are at the opposite end of the yar from the coop, so this way there are no real territory issues. Gradually, I moove the hutch closer and closer until it is right by the other coop. By this time everyone is familiar with each other. At that point, one night I simpy take the hutch away, and put the younger chicks in the big coop, or if there is a mom, she will simply take them in if the hutch is gone as she lived there already. Seems to work well, and I have not had any issues with aggression amongst the hens. I will say, I have a group of very docile hens and the only time there is any pecking is when my silkie has babies she is tending to and then she is a REALLY good mother
I had to laugh at this one because I put all the girls out in their run yesterday (2nd day), this time with the new girls in the dog kennel so they can all get used to each other, and I let my mini daschund outside for the first time with them in eyesight of her. She went nuts running around the pen and barking and jumping up at them... enter the hose. One quick spray to the face and she was a little angel who always walked "behind" me after that and didn't dare go near the run unless I was in the vicinity. Now, she was still a frantic mess, shaking and such, but a frantic angel.

I need to buy a serious water bottle for squirting my feisty girl with. That may work. I just want them to all get along, as we all do.

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