Integrating one chick with mama and existing chick


7 Years
Apr 9, 2016
Elk Grove, CA
Hello fellow chicken lovers!

I have a small flock of two hens. (Had four, but two passed away over the last couple of years, and four is the max allowed where I live.) My Lavender Orpington was broody and I got two baby chicks a couple of weeks ago and placed them under her at night. She was a happy mama and the three of them were doing well. We lost one of the two babies and want to replace it with another from the feed store.

What is the best way to integrate the new baby in with the other chick and mama hen? Can I just put it under her at night and she will adopt it in the morning none the wiser? I have a feeling she might kill it because when I showed it to her today, she puffed up and looked like she wanted to peck it! I have heard of people taking away any existing chicks and then returning all them all (new one included) and then mama is just happy to have her chicks back and doesn't notice the addition.

Does anyone have any advice on what might be the best way to proceed? Am I going to be stuck brooding this baby myself? LOL Of course, I'm prepared to do so if I have to, but I would much rather the chick be outside with the rest of them. Any insight or stories about what worked for you would be appreciated! Thank you!
Yes, probably about 2 weeks. I've tried a few different times, but she definitely knows which one is hers and she attacks the other baby. Looks like I'll be brooding her inside!

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