Integration chicks with roo


In the Brooder
Sep 2, 2022
Oh we started with four chickens, three were supposed to be pullets with one rooster. We ended up with three roosters and one hen. So… we got a couple more hens close to laying. We have the three girl with our polish roo. Only one is laying but another is due soon. We allow the other two roosters to free range and they are all the best chickens and we love them all.

We also got 8 chicks, but one did not make it, sadly. The seven “girls” (fingers and toes crossed) are at least 9 weeks old. And they are also amazing.

We currently have the chicks in a coop with a large run and the hens/roo in another coop/run. They have been near each other a long time and we can now put the hens in with the chicks and they do well.

But we have Hei-Hei, the polish roo. We want to combine the runs and allow some “free ranging” with widened fencing. But we are scared to mix Hei-Hei because the pulleys are young.

We know there are too many roosters so we will keep the two separate, but we adore them (one lets us pet him all the time and they both are social and sweet).

So….. what can/should we do? I don’t want Hei-Hei to be alone, but one hen does better with chicks because the roo seems a bit rough for her.

Please help? :)
In my experience a rooster is usually fine with new pullets, it's the hens that will most likely give them a hard time. What age are the older chickens?
Thank you!!! Rooster is close or a year. Hennifer (our OG hen) is 9 months, and the other two are about 5 months.

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