Integration Success! (So Far)


7 Years
Mar 8, 2014
Western PA
About 2 weeks ago I put my 4 week old Barred Rocks in the coop with my 11 week old Red Sex Links. As a worried helicopter mom I was concerned that it would go terribly wrong. I kept them completely separated with a fence in the coop and out in the run- so they could see and only kind of touch. My RSLs have always been very chill and easy going- whereas my BRs have been a bit crazy and aggressive.

Everyone seemed to be doing great (BRs now 6 weeks and RSLs now 13 weeks)- and so this weekend I cut 2 little doors in the fence so the smaller birds could have access to the rest of the coop and run with the bigger girls. So far so good! The smaller girls are so comfortable in their fenced off area and don't seem to want to venture out much- all but one that is. One in particular is always out hanging with the older girls while the others stay in the coop, it's really comical.

Hopefully all continues to go well- I can't foresee any problems. And in a few weeks i'll take out the fence completely. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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