Integration success


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 28, 2011
A few days ago I asked advice about six 9-wk old and twenty-three 5 wk olds--they are all cohabitating peacefully (well, mostly anyway). I pulled all the babies out of their watermelon box and they did get chased a bit and pecked. The six older ones spent most of the day outside in the run and the babies stayed in the coop--which is way better than the box! Last night I checked on them and the older chicks were not letting the younger ones have any "lamp" space and it was chilly! So, I put a lamp in their watermelon box and put them back in--giving them a choice to come back out if they wanted to. They all slept in the box and by the time I checked this morning, they were all out among each other--and ALOT of food was gone! I notice that when I'm out there, the little ones have more nerve and go outside in the run, but otherwise have been content to stay in the coop. So far so good. Knock on wood. BTW, I prayed before I did the mixing yesterday

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