intergrating 2 flocks, help

day 2 and they are all foraging together woop woop
I am so happy with my intergrating, all my chickens are now living in harmony, my youngsters all roost, so has made it easier than I though, as my older girls all sleep in nest boxes, I am so happy it has gone so well
Now the only thing I am concerned about is the food situation, am I right in thinking I should feed grower pellets to everyone with ooyster shell available for my layers??? Or should I just leave it as different food for everyone? Also will the layer food affect my roo????
I would feed grower for everyone, with oyster shell on the side until everyone is at layer age. A that point I would switch to layer, but keep the oyster shell too.

As to long term rooster health, I actually am not sure. Do a search here on BYC, I am sure that there is a thread all about it.
I need advice on my new situation. I've had a rooster for little more than a week and he adjusted quite well. Today I got 2 more chickens. I was told they are both hens, but I have serious doubts. One looks and acts very much like a little rooster. I introduced them and the small rooster-looking chicken is fearless and attacks my more established older one. Now the hen is joining in (siding with the little scrappy one). Do I separate them or do I hope and pray that everyone will be alive and intact tomorrow?
I would watch them for an hour, if they don't calm down, I would separate them.
Now that it's 9:30pm and really dark out (not to mention coyotes and raccoons) I can't really do anything. All 3 are in a closed up (chain link) pen with an open coop inside for the night. I hope no predators can get in. I will cross my fingers and hope there is no blood shed in the morning.

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