Internal Layer starts laying... 8 months later!?!?


10 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Central Massachusetts
Does anyone else have experience with recovered internal layers? I have four BO hens who are 18 months old, and one of them (we call her Sickie) began laying internally in the spring... she stopped laying in April, and in June, when I realized what was happening, she nearly died- didn't move for several days. I'm a supporter of letting nature take its course, so I decided to just see what happened. If she got better but never laid again, then she could live out her life with me as a freeloader. That's basically what I believed had happened... Over the course of the summer she recovered, and laid one egg in August. Then nothing more! (Only having four hens, I know who lays which eggs. I get two light brown and two medium brown, and Sickie was a medium brown.) We began getting some discolored eggs last week (half light, half medium brown) and I wondered if this could be sickie... They're molting, so egg production has been down. Then yesterday... Four eggs in the nest boxes, including one that's still a little discolored!

Has anyone ever had a chicken that laid internally and eventually returned to normal laying status? Do you think the discolored eggs will eventually become normal looking? Is this a pretty bizarre occurrence? I'm kind of afraid to eat the weird egg.
I'd crack it open and see what you find. I'll be watching this because I am interested in hearing what others have to say. Good luck with her.
Thanks! I did crack open the egg she laid in August, which was slightly off-color, and it looked fine. I didn't want to eat it, so I scrambled it and fed it back to them. I'll probably do the same with these!

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