Internal Laying? Is there ANYTHING to do? I am so attached to her!


8 Years
May 7, 2011
My first hen I ever got, 3 or 4 years old silverlaced wyandotte, I suspect is internally laying. She hasn't laid eggs for awhile and walking funny for maybe a month or 2?

At first I thought it was because she was molting but then it turned out to be just a little on her head and last time I was home I noticed her stomach is a little descended and probably contributing to her walk.

She walks funny, slowly and likes to lay around a lot.

-I am so, so crazy about this little hen. If I lose her, I think I will give up the chicken game completely. Is there anything I can do for her? I read about desorelin hormone implants? I emailed a vet to ask about it but havent heard back yet.

ANYTHING else? I was in the mindset of "Its part of the chicken game, you gave her a great life, make sure she is comfortable" but today it hit me that I wanna try to help her the most a can. (Without spending an insane amount of money)

Given the info I have provided, how much time do you think she has if I do nothing at all?

If anyone could help in anyway, please do :(
I am very sorry to hear of your troubles.

From what I undersand, EYP is caused by a bacterial infection and she's at the right age for it, unfortunately. Yolk is a fantastic breeding ground for bacteria. :(

There is no treatment for EYP... I'm unsure if hormone therapy after the fact would be effective, since it's a bacterial infection. If her abdomen is filling with fluid, you can drain it using a needle and syringe, but I would be SUPER careful doing that. Proceed with the utmost caution.

You *might* be able to get Baytril antibiotic from your vet, but I'm not sure that will help, either. If you gave it to her, you'd have to discard her eggs forever, if my memory serves. Baytril renders a chicken "useless" for utility purposes, but if she's a pet, please do what you feel is best for your girl.

In the meantime, bring her inside and put her someplace quiet, dim, and warm. Offer her water and some boiled egg along with her regular feed.

Keep us posted.


Edit to add: I have heard of the hormone implants, but the one person I read about getting them said that they are VERY expensive and they must be changed every six months. I believe he said it was $250 a pop. I'm curious what your vet says about it.
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Thank you so much for responding. I don't know anything about all this so it helps tremendously.

The hardest thing is Stephanie is 3 hours from me so I can't take care of her. My parents wouldn't bring her in for me either. Sigh. Right now she is acting fine besides the awkward walking. Will this progress quickly?

The closest vet that would take her is where I am, in the city, of course 3 hours away and they would have to see her to give me baytril. This is all insanely frustrating for me because she means quite a bit to me. :)

I also noticed a messy butt last weekend I was home. Is that typical with internal laying ?

Edit: I have no idea if its internal laying or if it's reached infection. I assume they kinda go hand in hand. Is there a tell tale sign it has reached the infection state verses just internally laying? I have never had a chicken have this yet
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I got this response from a vet. Could someone tell me if its worth bringing her to a vet? Is there really something they can really do?
If it hasn't been 100% determined to be internal laying, I would worm her as soon as possible.

If you haven't wormed your flock lately, do you have any Safe Guard or Valbazen on hand? Poopy butts can be a sign of worms, too..Better to treat for the things we can.

Also, I saw you treated for four days with the Corid... What dosage? How much of the Corid did you put in how much water?

As for the rest, it's never easy to face decisions like this. How can you put a price on a most-loved animal companion? In the end, all we can do is our best and try to make the right choices for ourselves and our birds.Treatment for a disease with no cure will quickly run up your vet bill. And am I hearing it's a six-hour round trip? Only you can make that decision.


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