Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

I just wanted to say thanks to all of yall for helping me save the lives of these little babies if it wasnt for all the useful information on here I wouldnt have know when to help these babies out so they could live and enjoy life. Once again thank yall and I am very bleased to have found such a useful app. I want yall to see a picture of the seven lives that got saved thanks to all the usefull advice.

I see stripes on their backs. Are they gamebirds by chance?
OMG! I am sooo thankful for this forum!!!
My first chick hatched about 4:30 this afternoon, and only 4 are out of their's around midnight now. They are little Dominiques.
I am so excited there is no way I can go to bed!

I had read this post earlier and it's a good thing I did. One little baby had pipped externally and just lay there for hours and was very quiet, so about an hour ago I "helped" her. The membrane was so tough and I followed your suggestions and within 30 minutes she perked up and is cheeping quite loudly now. Boy I am relieved...she is out of her shell, 1/2 of it, which is cracked in numerous places, is still attached by a tiny blood vessel so that she is dragging it all over the bator. I suppose this will dry out and she will be okay. I don't think I am supposed to sever it, am I?

Thanks again, cuz I would not have had the courage to help her without the detailed info you listed here!

Meadowchick(moma) :))

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