intestinal lining in poop- how much is too much, and could it mean worms?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 2, 2010
I bought two 15 week old pullets a week ago, figuring it was faster and easier than raising them from chicks as I have done with all my other birds. They are in a separate coop from the others. Their feathers are sort of dull and beat-up, but their eyes are bright. One, maybe both of them, has been pooping lots of shed intestinal lining- but seemingly with every poop. I am worried as they don't have much of an appetite and feel really skinny- I think they have lost weight. The farm told me that they were fed chick starter. They only pick at it for me- and I have also tried layer pellets, scratch, bread, oatmeal, grass, scrambled egg, yogurt- with the same non-interest. There has been scratch laying on the ground in their coop for days now! Thinking that maybe they have worms, I got some Wazine yesterday and have been examining their poop looking for worms. Can any of you take a look at these pics and let me know what you think? Yes, I have already seen the infamous poop page. I have also offered them grit but they didn't seem much interested in that, either.

I don't see any worms, but that may not mean anything. Do they kind of hunker down and fluff up as if cold? I would try a round of Corid in case their cocci load is that high. Maybe after that, a round of Safeguard. Good job on the quarantine, keep it up! And good luck!
Nope, I don't think they don't have that cocci 'look'....but I could be wrong. They look pretty normal, other than being really thin, and not that hungry.

I am thinking that maybe only one of them now has the icky poop. Here is another pic of that, followed by a pic of the same poop but broken 'open'.

As you can see, there is a LOT of mucus or lining! The other thing is that although I have been offering them grit, they don't seem to be eating it as seeds etc are going right thru. I am putting ACV in their water now that they are off the wormer. Any thoughts?
Could it be that there is nothing wrong? Sounds like you are feeding them many different things, and a lot of it. Maybe there is just too much food for 2 hens to eat, hence all the leftovers. And maybe their poop looks different from most chicken poop because they are eating a lot of other stuff, not mostly chicken food. What I would probably do is take away everything but their starter (or layer pellets, if they have started laying), and then see what the poop looks like.

I think undigested seeds and berries are normal if they are eating a lot of them. Mine sometimes get a lot of leftover blueberries that are past peak. The chickens love them, but then poop out "blueberry poops" for the next day.
My chicks did this up to a few weeks ago. I think its part of the growing process, shedding the lining as they grow new stuff. They acted normal and ate and drake normal so I did nothing and just observed. They are healthy and huge now. It cant hurt to give them vitamins though.
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