Intoducing new chicks to existing flock

I add newely hatched chicks every week to older chicks. When the oldest chicks get to 6 weeks I quite adding the new babies. It seem the picking starts to get bad around the age of six weeks.

You will run the risk because of the age being so close to 6 weeks. I wouldn't risk it unless they have lots of room and you can watch them carefully. Be careful.
I've been worrying about this very same thing lately. I have a month old BO and then 3 full grown hens in the yard. I wanted to ad her to the others but every time we visit the older ladies, they do not give her a warm reception AT. ALL.

From reading this, I guess she'll be separated from them for another 2-3 months before I try to introduce them. What a pain in the butt! I have no idea what I'm going to do with her until then.
I am concerned although my existing consists of young pullets(15 weeks), I have been told that the older ones have actually pecked an addition to death overnight!
I've been concerned about this too! I have 6 hens approx 1 yr old and now have 2 additional 7 week old pullets. I have been putting them in the coop and pen in a separate "dog kennel". I don't have another coop and don't plan on building another one. My "older girls" have been very curious about the new additions but can't get at them to peck. How old should the new girls be before they are introduced without the kennel?
I have found 16-18 weeks to be a good time to introduce them. I also think introducing the whole group at once will be easier than doing it one at a time. I also like to keep mine close but seperated for a time before introducing them.
I have 10 hens and one roo, got them fresh hatched this past March 22nd. So they are big but not full grown yet. My problem is I also now have 20 freedom rangers that are only 3 weeks old, done in 11-12 weeks. I tried to introduce one today to 2 hens, and it was brutal. They are too big for the brooder tub in about 1 week, and I cannot afford to build a 2nd coop. Any idea with meat birds what age would be best to mingle? I will section off a part of the coop for them, but feel bad that they won't be able to go into the outdoor run because there is only one door....
I'm looking for some advice as well.... I have 6 laying hens (between 1 and 2 yrs old). Just got 2 Amercauna pullets that are now approx 16 weeks old (I've had them for approx 10 weeks). It has been very difficult to add them to the existing flock. They go outside at the same time and have plenty of place to go run and hide but adding them to the coop/run has been scary. Short of just adding them and seeing what happens.... Do you have any suggestions? I want to add them at night when the big girls are asleep and hope they don't wake up!!!! Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Well, my girlfriend's dog charged my coop, and my older hens flew all over, one flew over the divider and landed on the baby chick side. I didn't notice until very late in the evening, and she didn't hurt any, just looked perplexed by her predicament! So I tossed another one over, and nothing...and another...until they were all mixed in. There was minor pecking, but no big deal at all. This was after one week of sharing a coop with a chicken wire divider. The younger ones are roughly 1/3 the size of the adults, but growing fast. I think adding the adult to the littler ones, one at a time, where it was way outnumbered and out of its normal flock was the key. My friends dog did me a favor, for sure.
Well, my girlfriend's dog charged my coop, and my older hens flew all over, one flew over the divider and landed on the baby chick side. I didn't notice until very late in the evening, and she didn't hurt any, just looked perplexed by her predicament! So I tossed another one over, and nothing...and another...until they were all mixed in. There was minor pecking, but no big deal at all. This was after one week of sharing a coop with a chicken wire divider. The younger ones are roughly 1/3 the size of the adults, but growing fast. I think adding the adult to the littler ones, one at a time, where it was way outnumbered and out of its normal flock was the key. My friends dog did me a favor, for sure.
I think it's wise to add the older girls into the space of the younger ones, instead of adding the younger ones into the space of the older girls. Any thing to upset the equilibrium of the older girls. They'll be less territorial in a different space. And adding the older girls one at a time seems to also cut down on the aggression.

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