Intoducing new chicks to existing flock

Thanks! I decided to integrate the girls this past weekend. It was only "ugly" for the first few minutes and then it seemed okay! They were pecking a little bit but not like it was last week. I bought a "pecker wrecker" block and hung it up in the pen for diversion! Not sure if it actually helped them or me!!!!!
Just to make sure you understand, 8 week old chicks are not old enough to mix with an established flock, and get anything less than a disaster. The new chicks need to be between 16-18 weeks old, depending on how big the older girls are.
I know that a lot of people say this...but in my flock it has not been my experience. I have a large flock, probably 40-50 birds at any given time. I get new chicks every spring and sell the 1 year olds every fall. I start when the chicks are about 5 or 6 weeks old, putting them in a pen within the pen for a few weeks. Then I start putting them in the coop at night inside a small dog carrier so they can be seen and heard, but not pecked for a week or so. Then I open up their pen within the pen in such a fashion that they can come & go in/out but the older ones can't get in & , they're fully integrated by 8 or 9 weeks. I have never had a chick injured, but I do intentionally purchase "non aggressive" breeds.
I'm going through transition phase as well. Have 3 older gal's (4 mths) 1 older Peking Duck (2yr) 2 kacki Campbell (10wks). I put my younger girl's and 2 Roo's in the Coop. The Peking Duck seems to be the mean one. The older hen's have been a little mean but nothing serious, they seem to guard the door so the younger ones can't get out our if they are out can't get in. One of my Roo's will go in a corner and huddle there and if he is out in the run he goes off to himself and stays away from everyone else. Is he just afraid of the big girl's or maybe they picked on him to much. How long does this pecking order take place? will they eventually get along? Should I make a separate coop area for the Ducks?
I'm going through transition phase as well. Have 3 older gal's (4 mths) 1 older Peking Duck (2yr) 2 kacki Campbell (10wks). I put my younger girl's and 2 Roo's in the Coop. The Peking Duck seems to be the mean one. The older hen's have been a little mean but nothing serious, they seem to guard the door so the younger ones can't get out our if they are out can't get in. One of my Roo's will go in a corner and huddle there and if he is out in the run he goes off to himself and stays away from everyone else. Is he just afraid of the big girl's or maybe they picked on him to much. How long does this pecking order take place? will they eventually get along? Should I make a separate coop area for the Ducks?
It sounds as if they have established a pecking order, with the older ones dictating when the younger ones go into the coop. They will eventually tire of playing that game. Its tough to be the young second fiddle in a flock. The other cockerel is probably the dominate one and won't let him with his age mates and the older hens don't want an imature rooster around. Thats the way it is and with the other cockerel around, may always be. You don't give a number for the pullets but if the numbers are low there may not be enough females for two.
What breed are your hens? That can also make a difference for flock integration depending on the temperament of the breed. If you have more docile birds, and no rooster, it may not be as bad as you would think. But I would definitely wait until they are fully feathered. Good luck!
I'm going through transition phase as well. Have 3 older gal's (4 mths) 1 older Peking Duck (2yr) 2 kacki Campbell (10wks). I put my younger girl's and 2 Roo's in the Coop. The Peking Duck seems to be the mean one. The older hen's have been a little mean but nothing serious, they seem to guard the door so the younger ones can't get out our if they are out can't get in. One of my Roo's will go in a corner and huddle there and if he is out in the run he goes off to himself and stays away from everyone else. Is he just afraid of the big girl's or maybe they picked on him to much. How long does this pecking order take place? will they eventually get along? Should I make a separate coop area for the Ducks?
It's been a couple weeks since I've introduced everyone. It seems everyone is getting along better. Since the newer girl's seemed to be afraid of the ducks in the coop at night I have a barrier separating them and it seems to have helped a lot. My one Rooster that seemed to be getting picked on has been up in the "nursery" with one of my gal's (she hurt her leg) so he can grow a bit more before being surrounded by all those Hen's.

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