Intriguing behavior...


8 Years
Aug 10, 2011
Fort Bragg, NC
We recently acquired a Black French Copper Marans that is approximately 2 weeks old to add to our established flock. She is possibly the sweetest tempered little thing I've ever met. What I find intriguing is that she likes to preen me. Yes. Preen. She follows me exclusively, and will do whatever it takes to make it to my shoulder to preen my hair. She has twice now jumped straight up from the ground to my hip, then from my hip scaled up my side to my shoulder (in ninja like time) just so she can preen me! I've never even seen another 2wk old jump that far, let alone with such determination. She nuzzles and coos and preens me for as long as I'll let her...which isn't always long considering how much it tickles.

Although adorable, this can't be "normal" :rolleyes: Anyone else experience this??
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that is possibly the cutest thing i've ever heard!! i want my two week old chicks to love me the way your chick loves you!!!

Oh, gosh. Hahaha as sweet as it is, I think she thinks I'm her mommy and I'm a little worried about how it will affect her chicken relationships with the established flock...? :/
does she seem to have problems with other chicks? the most experience i have with this is my one little roo (at least i thinks hes a rooster :) ) will fall asleep immediately when i lay him on my stomach... works every time!
Your little guy's so cute. There are no other chicks, only hens. She has been exposed to them, but is not left to interact with them yet, as two weeks is too young to integrate safely.
oh sorry i didn't realize she was the only chick! you're probably the only relationship she really has right now so thats probably why she's so attached to you. If she's that affectionate to you it can only be a good sign that she will be affectionate to the other members of the flock... maybe?
I have , with most of my chickens actually if we go sit outside while they are free ranging they will come up on our shoulder and start doing it.
But we have had them since they were babies and most I have hatched out myself.

Even the roosters like to do this , as well as be held.

I think it depends on how much you handle them , maybe the little chick sees you as part of her flock.
Thats the only thing I have been able to think of why my chickens do this, now they are grown and still do this.

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