
Apr 13, 2020
Hi guys! My name is Audrey and I’m so happy to be joining TBYC!!!

(1) My best friend and i have had chickens for about 3 years now. We have have had as many as 60 chickens at one point where as right now we have 10 due to a raccoon massacre. (Can’t even think about it) And a coyote that kept picking off our girls during the day! (They free range around the property.

We have Rhode Island reds and Easter Eggers. (also a possible black Maran or black sex link.) and our wonderful Rooster Elton who is a Easter Egger.

My favorite thing about our chickens are the consistently massive and incredibly delicious eggs that they provide for us. I cant eat store bought eggs anymore because our girls lay the best! Every now and then I’m reminded how beautiful our chickens

As a mother of two young kiddos i dont have much time for hobbies other than the chickens so now hatching them will be my newest hobby and endeavor.

Super thankful for all the future knowledge you guys will share with me! Thank you!
Hello, and welcome! Glad that you joined! Those are the break's, you take your chances when you free-range.

Yes, we knew that when we chose to free range that we were opening up that possibility but they loved coming up and hanging out with us, literally 25 of them at a time would go on walks with us around the property! They were so funny.
Yes, we knew that when we chose to free range that we were opening up that possibility but they loved coming up and hanging out with us, literally 25 of them at a time would go on walks with us around the property! They were so funny.

Yes, they are funny sometime's! I'm too afraid of loosing any of mine, so I go out to the coop and run to sit with them. One even jumped up on my lap today.

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