Introducing 4 week olds to my 2 laying hens


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
I have 4 Golden Cockoo Marans and 16 Buffs that are currently in a 2 x 6 brooder. I live in deep south Texas and the night temps are mid 50's at the coldest and usually run around upper 60's. With the current peeps, this makes the third time to raise babies, but this is the 1st time I had surviving birds from the previous year. The first year I only had 3 hens and 3 Roos and they all got killed by Hawks or a large cat. The second batch I bought 8 hens and was given 2 Roos, I am down to 2 laying Hens (Reds).

I was wondering if there is any thing I should do to introduce them?

In the past I would just take the peeps from the brooder and put them in the Coop/Run and get them in there for 3 or 4 nights so they know where home is.

FYI, my previous brooder was a converted Dog house with a run that had a light. This year my brooder is on the back porch, and since I got the peeps earlier than before. These peeps have not been outside as of yet.
They may be ready to be in a coop without heat, but it would be safer to take them outdoors separately. It is usually recommended that new chickens only be introduced to others of the same size. In other words, to be safe, you need to keep our chicks separate until they are adult size. If you decide to try this, I would watch closely as the mature hens could easily kill the chicks.
That is not good news, I only have one Coop. I don't know if this makes a difference, but my birds free range all day.
With only 2 hens and somany babies it should not be too much of a problem, but I would pen them separate for a while where every one can see each other and visit before turning them loose.
Thanks, The coop is above ground and I can use the space under by adding some chicken wire to keep them separate but in the same run. How long do they need for the introduction? a few hours, or a few days?

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