Introducing a rooster to a flock of hens

Please keep us updated. I am introducing a roo that can't live in the city to my country girls. Hoping it goes well.
He has taken quite well to the girls, the one that has been laying eggs he follows around and has succesfully mated a few times already today, hopefully the others start laying in the next few weeks. He has been very nice to me and my wife and kids, lets us walk by him and does nothing. So far it has been great i will let you guys know if anything changes. Hopefully ill be hatching chicks soon! Can i breed him with my other breeds and hatch the eggs or will those chicks have problems?

Well, it's sounding good. Just watch the hens and be sure he isn't to rough with them or frequents a particular one too much. You might end up having to put saddles on some of them, but maybe he'll spread is affection out among them. :)

Well, the chicks that come from him will naturally be mutts unless you've got a buff orp in the crowd...then the chicks from that eggs will be...buff orps. :) From what I understand mutts can make some mighty fine chickens.

It looks to me like besides the rooster having some fun that you're gonna have some fun, too!!!! Raising biddies has to be a blast!!!

Have fun!!!

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