Introducing baby chicks- what do I look for

The personalities amaze me! My first girls were always a bit low key but these new chicks are spastic lol. Good luck introducing them! I keep checking and am glad things seem pretty “calm”.
i wouldnt worry about it theyre old enough to know how to avoid getting their but kicked as long as theres plenty of room .. as far as spats, fighting, and a few feathers getting pulled now and then thats pretty normal .. a typical scene at my coup is an older hen patrolling the entrance until she's tired of it and the younger ones hanging out waiting for her to go roost ..eventually things will get less tense, usually when they all start laying ..
I have never seen a more accurately described scene here on BYC. There is always that one hen that acts tough, but says "forget it" after awhile and food just becomes more important. Haha, this has me laughing. Thank you!

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