introducing chickens

buff chicks are a golden yellow all over with no other markings. Are you sure your 'splotches' are not their adult feathers coming through? If not, I'd say your buffs are not pure x
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a blacksnake is in our garage. it is near our little chick introduction cage. what should I do?
Can't seem to start a new a new thread and am pretty desperate. Only had two hens and one died last night!(been having health problems for ages) gutted! So now we only have the one and will be going to pick up more on Saturday. Was planning on getting two so the will be three of them( I was thinking would be better for company) but someone has told me not to get two new pullets because they will bully the older hen? Is this the case? Can I introduce two pullets to one hen?? Any advice will be really appreciated. Thank you
I would try and choose new pullets that don't already know each other but if this is not possible, then just put them in and keep an eye on things....your established hen will have the advantage of being in home territory and the new ones will have the advantage of could go either way but whatever the scenario, they will have to work out their new pecking order so just bite the bullet and keep a close watch to make sure that things don't get too serious. You can try distractions....put out some treat foods in various places, hang up cabbages or spring greens for them to peck at maybe?
That was my thinking. A always understood that hens will work things out eventually as long as I make sure they don't get too violent. The guy who advised to only get one because the pullets will bully the hen also told me he just necks his chickens when they get egg bound because there is nothing you can do about it! But I proved that wrong because we gave Florence an extra 12 months by warm baths and vent oiling.... So I think I will just have to prove him wrong with this also! We are hands on with the chickens and they are friendly with people(probably too friendly, they don't understand it's lap dog not lap chicken and that they live in the coop not the house with us) so I'm pretty sure with a good bit of help they will learn to be friends:) thanks for reply
What about if they all go into a new area at the same time? Would that maybe put all the chickens on equal ground?.... The hen would think it's the pullets turf and the pullets would think its the hens turf?? And maybe they would all get on blissfully from there:) maybe

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