Introducing chicks to an existing flock


8 Years
Mar 11, 2011
Western Massachusetts
I have eight hens. Three RIR, three Barred Rocks, one Buff Orp and one Black Minorca. I would like to add a couple of chicks this spring. I know that some people will slip chicks in with a broody hen and they will usually raise them as their own. I would love to do this but I have no hens that are broody. Is it possible to introduce chicks to a hen that is not broody? The 3 RIR and Rocks are 2 years old, the Minorca is about 1 yr old and the Buff Orp is maybe 3.

And advice on this would be a great help.
It is extremely unlikely that you could get a non-broody hen to accept chicks and would potentially be a very bad situation for the chicks. It would be better wait until the birds are more similar in size.
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Only a broody hen will take chicks...Other chickens will either: ignore the chicks, which will result in their death, Or relentlessly peck them for being weird small outsiders, also resulting in their death...

So you keep the chicks in a brooder...

Which is basically a box that you suspend a light over. it needs to be draft free, and enclosed so nothing can get to the chicks...
You can do it inside or outside...

it's not hard...

Anyway, once the chicks are fully feathered then you can introduce them to the chickens you already have...But you need to put the chicks in their own space where they can see the larger chickens, but nobody can mingle...leave them like this for about a week..if possible put the adult chickens feed near the chicks feed in the separate spots...I use a big dog crate for introductions...Anyway if the 2 groups eat together and see each other for about a week or so, then you can let the chicks just into the coop, but hang around for a bit and make sure nobody is freaking out, or getting eaten...and then you should be good. Pecking will happen, but shouldn't be severe...there should be no blood.

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