introducing ducklings to the flock??


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 16, 2014
right now i have 3 khaki campbells two female one male in with my twelve chickens. they get along fine and have plenty of room in the pen and house. how and when should i indroduce the four ducklings i have? right now theyrr in a crate in the pen durring the day and in a crate in the house at night figuring they will start to get used to eachother, the problem is i was in the pen and took the ducklings out and put them in the pool for a bath while i was changing water etc i was standing right there next to the pool and my adult drake came charging over and bit one of the ducklings while in the pool i intervened and he backed off but still had a harsh eye on those ducklings had i turned my back he woulda had one! what can i do so that they get along? or will they get along? we are already getting two eggs a day which is plenty for just us so our plan with tje ducklings is to raise for meat wondering if our drake will have to be the first to go just to be able to intergrate the ducklings into the flock but i worry about that because he tends to chum around with one of the females more than the other and i believe i have heard ducks mate for life? of i were to cull him would my female get upset and stop laying? any advive on intergrating would be great..the ducklings are five weeks its plenty warm day and night for them outside and i thought if i introduced them young i would have a better chance but maybe im wrong
If the babies are not hatched here by a mama, i always do a soft intro meaning...

I pen the babies within the area of the flock, this way they see one another, can chat but i do NOT ever allow the older birds access to the babies till they are much older.. fully feathered and are of good size.. age varies i find it just depends on the reactions on both sides. I also have done this many times so am quite familiar with my flock and who is trouble lol

Drakes are known baby killlers.. so that is a word of caution and i wouldn't necessarily trust all females either. Proceed with caution and take your time, it will likely work out in the end but it's a process.

Good luck!
thank you i think thats what i will have to do as i said they are in a crate in the pen now and the drake even pecks at them thru the crate! the females seem to be okay stand offish but interested until the drake drives them away almost as if hes protecting his women.

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