Introducing myself as the new guy....


In the Brooder
Jun 14, 2019
Hi all.
My wife and I recently purchased my childhood home here in So Cali a year ago. We had always talked about a larger property than we had in the typical tract home where we were before and this is a great start with half acre. All the properties in this small town here are zoned for horses, primarily but all farm livestock is welcome in this little rural town in the center of larger city life areas.
We've got 5 chickens ranging in age of approximately 10ish months to aroud 7 months for the last 2. One duck that we lost her mate a bit ago.
I never dreamed chickens could have a personality! I figured they like you or they don't... nothing more. NOPE.... each one with it's own.
We treat them as pets and let them "free range" on the back yard property. Mostly well manicured lawns with a 40 ft. pool that the duck seems to enjoy too much!
I recently lost my Andalusian hen. She was my little baby. Run for me with open wings when I came home from being away. She died of heat being she found her way into my office without the AC on and a heat wave.
We've got Americana's (2) (I'm still learning the breeds....) a yellow girl. a too with a tude.... I can't remember the exact breeds.
There were more ideas of what to write on this introduction but I'll keep the novel to a minimum for now.
Here's a pic of the little girl....

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