Introducing new 2 new chics to 2 - 2 month old chics.


12 Years
Feb 25, 2011
I have 2 chicks that I got March 23rd. I am picking up 2 more tomorrow. Can I put these new chicks in with the 2 month old chicks?
Good question...i want to know that too !
In my experience, which is limited, if they're around the same age it's probably OK. When I introduced some that were within a couple of weeks of each other, they did just fine.

Just my little 2 cents worth! Maybe someone with more experience will chime in.
NO!!! That is too great a difference in age, and the younger ones will be hurt...they need to be separated.
I will err on the side of caution. Would I wait a couple of weeks and then put them together?
Hey, I am new at this chick thing too but I read that when there is an age difference or even when ever your introducing new gals to the group that it is best to put the new ones in a small cage and sit in the space so the old gals can check out the new gals and get use to them. That would keep them safe and give them a bit of time to adjust. The book also said, there is a bit of the pecking order attitudes that will go on and it is normal. You younger ones need to be about or close to equal size when they mix together. Good luck and let me know how they do. We had considered about picking up a few more chicks but wasn't quiet ready to maybe deal with the introduction thing when the time came. Our gals are 8 weeks old.
I did this same exact thing when my chicks were growing. It turned out that three of the chicks i had gotten were roosters so I traded them to a poultry farmer for pullets, however there was a difference in age because my pullets were already 2 months old and the chicks i received were about 2 weeks. I put them in a pen inside the INDOOR HEATED part of my coop for about 2 weeks. The older chickens pecked at the wire and they were not happy about the new chicks being in there space. I also have two ducks that were not happy as well. However, after about 2 weeks everyone just seemed to ignore eachother and I would let the chicks run around with the older chicks and ducks in MONITORED SESSIONS where I would watch them. When they seemed to care less and they got used to the fact the new chicks were there I HAD ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEMS!!!
Yeah thats what i time they all get along.
Another thing i found out....if you let the eggs hatch out in the hen house.....and they follow mom around...noone bothered them. It was great.
Also in the past my ducks didnt like to share a big hen house with a few hens. they wouldnt even go inside!
Introducing chickens is a time consuming process, just so you know.
Never just throw new chickens into an existing flock. The results can be catastrophic. You need to have an introduction period of at least a few days to a week, preferrably with the new ones fenced off so the "old" ones can't tear them to pieces.
If you have chicks, the general rule for adding new birds to an already existing flock is to wait until the newcomers are roughly the same size as the established birds. That way, they can at least defend themselves. Otherwise, they will be seriously injured or even killed.
When introducing adult or adult-sized birds to an existing flock, a 30 day quarantine is highly recommended. Disease is easily carried from flock to flock, even on your shoes. I usually quarantine the new birds for at least 30 days, well away from the main flock, then put them in a pen near the main flock for a few weeks. You can then either divide your run into 2 separate sections or put the newcomers into a cage inside the run for a few days to let them get used to each other. Then I let them out to free range together for a few days/week, eventually they will fight it out and the new ones will blend in with the original flock.
Unacquainted chickens are going to fight, and unfortunately there is not much that can be done about it. It is just in their nature. But I would suggest that when you do finally put them together for the first time that you have the garden hose ready just in case anyone gets a little too out of hand. One quick shot of water should do it.

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