Introducing new birds to an older flock... need a little advise


10 Years
Jun 30, 2009
We are getting 10 more chicks next week and I will be keeping them in a brooder seperate from my other 12 hens (almost a year old). My question is when I put them all together (around 5-6 weeks) how should I feed them? the older ones are eating Layer feed, but I will have to give the younger ones Grower. Any helpful advise would be greatly appreciated...
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Trying to put them together at that young an age is a bad idea. The older hens can be vicious and they are too young to defend themselves. I have mine at 6 weeks in with the full grown hens (at a year old) but they are separated by a wire brooder that is part of the coop. That way the hens get used to seeing them and I can feed them their separate grains with no problems. The babies can also get supplemental heat (it's still very cold at night here). Today was their first time being let out into the same yard together without any separation and any chick that wandered too far from me got taught a fast lesson when brutally attacked by the hens. They quickly learned to stay close to me because I would not tolerate the older hens picking on the chicks.
As for integrating them any time soon? Not gonna happen.
When I introduce new chicks to the flock I section off part of the coop with chicken wire. I have two seperate runs and two pop doors in the coop, the one run is 20x20 and the other is 12x20 they are seperated by a chicken wire fence. When the new chicks are old enough to leave the brooder I put the divider in the coop. They can interact without any fighting both in the coop and in the run. After about a month I take down the divider and there is no fighting, the pecking order has pretty much been established through the wire.
I have 15, 1 year olds so sectioned off part of the run and have let my chicks from about 3 weeks old stay in that part of the pen for a few hours each day. The older chickens come and take looks at the babies, but really don't show much interest. However, I can put Bunny my EEger in with the chicks and they check her out much more than the other way around. Last weekend I tried to introduce one of the BO to one chick and the BO instantly started pecking the baby so not ready yet. I then collect them at night and put back into their brooder in the basement until the next day. I am going to do this for a few more weeks until I am sure they all will get along. Probably will section off a small portion of the coop and try letting them stay all night in a couple more weeks.
thanks for the advise. I just got the chicks today and have them in a brooder in the basement. I think around 4 weeks I will section off a part of the coop and let them stay out there for a few weeks, so they get to know each other. then give it a shot
I agree with sunny totally. You don't want to put the babies in with the almost grown hens for sure. It will be very bad for the little ones
Usually they say to add them when they are the same size. Good luck with whatever you decide
Let us know how it goes!

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