Introducing new chickens to my flock isn't going well. HELP!


In the Brooder
Nov 11, 2015
Lower Michigan
We have two chickens who are about a month younger than our originals. We slowly introduced them into the coop but they seem terrified of the bigger chickens and hide anywhere they can. This has been going on for a couple weeks now. Will they eventually get used to the rest of the chickens?
Time & patience! As long as they aren't being harassed and pecked they are doing good. They will likely continue to hide for a while. Make sure they can get food/water ok, if needs be put out separate food and water for them.
Once they start to lay they seem to pick up confidence and the big girls slack off a bit - almost like a rite of passage..
Sometimes it can take months for everyone to accept each other, so I agree with time and patience, and most times they will maintain their own groups within a flock. Those raised together tend to stay together.
Thank you. I don't think they are being picked on. Whenever i go to the coop they come out from hiding and eat and drink. I think they feel safe when I'm around.
You need to make a specific effort to feed them twice a day apart from the older chickens so you know they're getting enough to eat. I recently introduced a single hen into my flock, and it took her over a month to develop the self confidence to eat from the communal feeder. I would feed her away from the others, and I doubt she would have eaten enough otherwise.

What you're seeing is very normal. The original chickens will chase new ones away from the feeder, and the newbies are afraid of the original chickens so they won't feel brave enough to eat for some time yet. But eventually, everyone gets used to the new ones, and they will begin to behave more like they belong.

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