Introducing new chickens to the flock


7 Years
Nov 18, 2012
Southeast Michigan
I am planning on introducing 2 more chickens to my flock. They will be about six weeks old when I get them. Any advice anyone can give me? This will be my first time introducing new chickens. The rest of my flock is about a year old. I have read things about feed. Will I have to keep them seperate until they can eat the feed the rest of my flock is already eating? Is 6 weeks to young to introduce to older hens? I also read to keep them seperate at least for a few weeks to make sure they are not sick. Any help would be great, Thanks!
For a trouble free introduction, it is best to combine them when they are about the same size (4 months of age). However, I have gotten away with it much earlier, and it helps if you have a large quantity of chicks joining the flock.

I would be prepared to house them separately until they are about the same size, so that you are prepared at least if needed.

You can feed the whole flock Flock Raiser or unmedicated grower/starter with oyster shells on the side for the layers. They shouldn't eat layer feed until around 20 weeks (laying).

Keep in mind that there is a huge difference between a 6 week old and a 10 week old, in that the older they get, the more they will stand up for themselves. If they don't stand up for themselves they might be killed by the older hens. Yes they WILL kill them if they want. It depends on the personalities of the hens. If you see a chick hiding its face in fencing with its tushie in the air take them out asap. I wouldn't put them in until closer in size to the older ones.

Also they might require a second feeder, and do make sure they have space on the roost to get away from the older hens. There will be a severe pecking session in the coop on the perches if they are next to a old hen.
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