Introducing new chicks to resident chickens


10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
Joelton, TN
Hi all,
We have 11 chickens that are about 4 months old, and recently traded three for some that are about 6 weeks old now, Right now, the 6 week olds are still in the brooder, but what is the best way and best age to introduce them to the older chickens?
I think I'd not put them together till they are relatively close to the same size. Let them get used to seeing one another before actually putting them in the same run/coop. Good luck.

I like to wait till they get close to the same size. There will be some pecking involve and if they are older then they can better defend themselves or run and hide better....
I agree with both posts.
I recently introduced my babies that are 16 week old to my older flock, and very close to the same size. They had seen each other through a fence for a couple of months. There was a definite establishing of authority when I finally let them together. The babies would retreat to their coop and run when they were feeling especially bullied. There have been no injuries yet though, and they are all getting along well.
How would the situation change if you were reintroducing a broody and her 3 week old chicks to the other 2 laying hens? Right now I have the brooder sitting next to the tractor so they can see each other but not get into fights.
I don't know what the next step should be because introducing them earlier in the week did not work out well at all!
I've never been in that situation, but have read that the mama will protect the chicks, and that the other hens can kill the chicks. Not much help an I? I think I would do as you are and keeping them in sight of one another until the chicks are bigger. Then when putting them together I would give plenty of cover for the chicks to hide in. Good luck.

It's actually the broody that's being the aggressor in this situation since she's the lead hen. When I went to put them in, I knew there would be some pecking order going on, and there was. The BO had decided that she was now in charge and quickly found out that nope, she wasn't!

The broody ended up driving the other two upstairs to the roost and things were fine until the two other hens tried to come down, and off the broody went on them. Blood was getting drawn on the grownups so I took the chicks and the broody back out to the brooder. Neither one of the hens paid the slightest bit of attention to the chicks.

I'm stumped becuase that brooder is getting a little small or them and other than the tractor, I've got no where else to put them.

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