Introducing new chicks


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 30, 2011
Jacksonville, NC
I'm sure this has been covered 1001 times, but, I've got questions!

I have 3 2 week old Easter Eggers, and I have 5 Buckeye chicks coming (due to be hatched on 18June) that should be here by 21 June. So, that would mean my EEs would be a little over 3 weeks when the Buckeyes get here.

Currently, they are brooding in my master bath tub. I did have them in a large box, but they could almost fly out so I put them in there. We are finishing up the coop and run either on the 22nd or on 01July. I'm hoping they will stay in there until 01July! LOL

How on Earth do I introduce them???

I know that they need to be able to see each other, but, I'm not going to be able to put the Buckeyes out in the coop on 01July am I? It SHOULD be warm enough, but we don't have electric out there so I can't run a light. I also don't have an extention cord long enough, nor would I feel comfortable doing that.

Do I introduce them now thru chicken wire, and then do it again when the Buckeyes are big enough to go outside? Will I have to seperate them again once they go outside?
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You shouldn't put them together until they are close to the same size. Then introducing through chicken wire is a good idea until they are used to each other. Initially putting them together in neutral territory can be helpful.
Unfortunately, I'm not going to have an area of "neutral territory". I'm not even sure how I'm going to introduce them in the enclosure!

Should I just contain them outside somehow and then bring them in for the evening? Should I contain them in the coop?

How long would I need to keep them seperated before I can let them "mingle?"
A couple of years ago I hatched several batches of chicks, one batch a week for 4 weeks. I found that 2 weeks, in age difference, seemed to be the limit of putting the littles with the bigger chicks. Once the younger chicks had a chance to get established (maybe a week) then they were able to all go together in the same brooder.

EE's aren't an aggressive breed, plus you don't have too many, so possibly you could put them all together after a day or two...just long enough for the little ones to get used to what the food and water dishes look like. you might also place more than one waterer in with them just in case a bigger chick decides the little ones shouldn't come near the waterer. I think that within a couple of days there won't be a problem. Good luck with your chicks!!

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