Introducing new chicks


6 Years
May 11, 2013
Cape Cod
Hey guys! I have a 9 week old, 2, 6 week olds and now 2, 4 week olds. I've have the 4 weekers in a corner of the coop separated by chicken wire for a week now. I just put the group together for the first time an hour ago in a 10'x16' pen. My 9 weeker (which I'm fairly certain is a roo) won't stop chasing and pecking the babies :( no blood shed so far but how long will this last? I'm nervous to let them sleep together tonight. Should I seperate them some more?
Separate them, There is too much age and size difference at this time. If you make places where the small ones can escape to and or get away from the older one and wait till the younger ones are older it may go better.
All 5 of them just walked into the coop and went to sleep on there own. They seem fine. Should I still remove the babies just in case there is a fight in the middle of the night?
All 5 of them just walked into the coop and went to sleep on there own. They seem fine. Should I still remove the babies just in case there is a fight in the middle of the night?
there won't be a fight. They'll be fine. I just turned my 7 week olds in with my 18week olds and they fought like cats and dogs the first day. The next day they were walking around each other eating and doing chicken things. I guess the reason that got along so quickly is because they are the same size. (this was my experience. It doesn't mean it'll be the same for you)
so think we're in a pickle now. confirmed that 7 of our 8 are roosters

we're working a trade with some friends if all birds agree. they are taking a rooster (he left tonight and seems to be getting along just fine - good thing or he goes to the freezer) and giving us a 1 year old laying hen. she's sweet and docile. she's sweet but no way was going in the coop with 6 roosters, that was a disaster! she stays where she is until the roos are gone. now it gets tricky. the roosters are going to the freezer so that leaves us with a 3 month old we've had from the start, she's quiet and keeps to herself and the new hen, one year old. think we're in for trouble? oh and more tricks up our sleeves! we have four 3 week old pullets in the brooder. when can we bring them into the flock? would setting up a temporary run and coop for them be wise? seriously, we just wanted some backyard chickens.
Mine ended up getting along great! The first day was so hard to watch. I hated seeing my oldest chicken pick on the new babies. But there was no blood shed and nothing seemed too aggressive so I let it happen and after only 2 hours they were All getting along fine. I would section off the coop and let them live side by side for at least a week. They'll get used to each other and hopefully get along when they are put together. I put them together after I noticed the big birds stopped trying to peck through the fence at the little ones.
I'm going through this right now. I have two new (and young) girls (Amercaunas) that I have been keeping separate from the rest of the flock due to pecking. Finally just integrated them this weekend. It was ugly at first but as of this morning they are okay. They've been spending a lot of time in the coop while the other girls are outside in the run but they went out to free range together and then back into the pen together so for me this is a success!

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