Introducing New Ducks Into a Flock


In the Brooder
Mar 13, 2020
We recently experienced some losses in our duck flock due to a fox that attacked them in the evening while they were free ranging. With our flock now down to only 2 members, we wanted to increase the size to protect it a little more from attacks and so we could get more eggs. We bought 6 adult ducks of varied breeds (one white runner (F), one Khaki Campbell (F), 3 Cayugas (F), 1 Rouen (M)), and began the process of slowly introducing them to our other two ducks yesterday. (Currently, we only have the white runner and khaki campbell in/near our ducks right now - the others are staying in a nearby but completely separate location.)

Our ducks were fine with being around the new ducks (which I expected from our easy-going ducks), but the new white runner female immediately became very aggressive, chasing my other ducks around the enclosure and inciting the other khaki campbell to charge our two ducks as well. I immediately separated them with a screen so they could see and quack at each other but not attack. Today, when I removed the screen, the two new ducks were aggressive again. I shut all four out of the coop in a fenced in area and now they are just avoiding each other.

I've never tried to blend a flock before. Is this normal? Am I going about this the right way? Any tips so I don't end up with dead ducks?!
You need to keep them side by side for a week at least let them get use to each other through fencing. It takes time to blend new ducks with resident ones. After 2-3 days try again by letting them out and tossing some treats out so they spend their time eating instead of wanting to be bullies.:welcome
Thank you, everyone! We discovered that one of the reasons for the aggression was that some of the Cayugas were actually males- which made for 3 drakes and 5 females = bad ratios! We separated out the males and things quieted down so much more. The girls are all hanging out together now.
Thank you, everyone! We discovered that one of the reasons for the aggression was that some of the Cayugas were actually males- which made for 3 drakes and 5 females = bad ratios! We separated out the males and things quieted down so much more. The girls are all hanging out together now.
When you say “seperated out” did you get rid of the other drakes? I have 2 Pekin drakes (I was sold as male and female but ‘‘twas not so) I got 4 new ducks today 1 drake and 3 females. I’m going to keep them separate for a while but I’m wondering if they can free range together in a few weeks with this 3 male 3 female ratio....

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