introducing new ducks to the "flock"


11 Years
May 14, 2008
I have five 5 month old pekins and am getting three more pekins- I'll quarentine them then put them with the 5 originals. Are they similar to chickens in terms of pecking order? and do I need to do anything special to introduce them in with the others when the time comes? thanks, Keystonepaul
I have always just put my ducks together out in the fence and then sit and watch them that way if my dominate male starts a fight I am there to stop him. Plus everyone knows that I am the momma duck and they listen to me when I say STOP!
Rain, one will be a male about a year old and the other two roughly the same age as the 5 current ducks- 5-6 months old. Thanks, keystonepaul
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