Introducing New Ducks to the Flock


6 Years
May 27, 2013
Tomorrow I will be picking up 5 Khaki Females (about 3mo old) to add to my flock. Right now we have 4 females and 4 drakes, mixed breeds, abotu 1yr old. What is the best way to introduce these new girls to the flock? Should I make them a separate pen for them to hang out during the day? I've never added full grown ducks, I'm a bit nervous about how it's going to go. My flock never leaves my property. How long will it take the new girls to understand that this is their home? Are there any health related reasons to keep them separated at first? I plan on having separate sleeping arrangement as well, working on that today. Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!

Take the long view - some flocks integrate quickly, some don't.

A friend who rescues ducks has a quarantine area where ducks are kept for some time while fecal samples are checked at a vet's office.

Letting them see each other for a few days, each from their own pen, is a good start. I give treats to both groups at the same time.

It also takes a while for ducks to learn where home is. Seems to me our new ones follow the lead of the resident flock - we have not had anyone try to wander off, but I keep them really close especially at first.

When it seems right (no big skirmishes around the fence), and after quarantine time, I would let them together into a penned area, and be ready to quickly separate them again if the meet up is more than just some poking and chasing.

Then just go with what unfolds.

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