Introducing new poults


Jun 8, 2019
Southeast New Mexico

I have 9, 5 jakes and 4 jenny Bourbon reds. They are 5-1/2 months old. I also have a Tom which is their dad. My hen hatched out 2 poults about 2 months ago. The hen and 2 poults are in a pen, but have been around the other turkeys and chickens I have. I don’t know when or how I should let them meet the rest without the fence.

Any advice would be helpful.


Pic of my Guys showing off for me.
That's a lot of toms. I generally pen poults where they can be seen for a few months starting at about 2 months. By 4 months I can leave them with the adults usually. Do your birds just wander freely?

I would do supervised mingling. Break them up if it gets rough. Are you gonna get rid of some toms?
It is a lot of toms. I’m very attached to the first nine because I raised all of them. Not for sure what I’m going to do about that. These poults have been pinned with their mom since they hatched outside. She’s protective of them. Would it be an easier transition if I let Gertrude out first?

Ooh yes they wonder freely. Edwin, their dad, gobbles when they are being bad. He will gobble until I go out there and get them out of trouble. We live in the country, but have neighbors close by. Do other turkey dads do this? He’s done this since they were 3 mo old.

My toms look out for poults. It is endearing to see.

Next spring you will have an all out fight between your toms unfortunately. I found 3 is the most I could keep together. When they get up to 5 there's more fighting that can turn deadly as the rest gang up on the loser.

You may need to pen some separately or do something else. The other problems with multiple toms is the top one will breed the hens, and the others will try to start fighting with him during it. Hens can get hurt and even killed in the process.

If all your turkeys are familiar you may just be able to combine them. I personally would stand with a walking stick and play referee if necessary. The stick is to herd them back to the pen if necessary. Every flock is different. I just try stuff, and if doesn't work I either tweak things or try again the next day.

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