Introducing new roos


7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
Perhaps this has been answered elsewhere, but.... I have a 1 year old rooster who has been the only roo his whole life with 17 hens. He is an absolute doll, very very friendly both to me and his hens. I am adding 12 new hens this year and would like to add 2 or 3 more roosters for yard patrol and protection (I free-range). Will adding new roosters change the personality of my current one (ie make him more aggresive)?
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It won't likely change the way he acts toward humans but there will be fighting among them. He will of course have to establish that he is the top rooster of the three.
Thank you :) I don't mind them figuring out who is boss, as long as it doesn't change his attitude toward me. ( I have a feeling he won't end up being the top dog)

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