Introducing the pond


7 Years
Apr 29, 2012
Montgomery County, Ohio
As some of you may know, this is my duck pond:

My only problem?

Since we have filled it all the way, the ducklings don't want anything to do with it. It's no longer as clear as the pictures, so I'm cleaning it tomorrow, maybe that will help.

My ducklings use to love it. But this is when they could touch the bottom with their feet.
When they go outside, they act as if the pond isn't even there. They now run to the porch because I have a bowl for the dogs to drink out of, and they swim one at a time in there. They will swim in any container you put in front of them.

I don't know if it's cause the pond is too big, too deep or what.

Any suggestions for re-introducing them into the pond?

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