Introduction: New Member


In the Brooder
Jan 14, 2024
Hi everybody I used to have an account here but I believe it has been gone. I wanted to rejoin again to become more knowledgeable on raising chickens as well as giving my own personal experiences with them. I have answered some of the introductory questions down below.
1) I am not new to chickens and I have had them since I was 3 or 4 years old.
2) Currently I have 5 chickens in total. I used to have more but age and sickness has been the main cause of decline.
3) I have 1 buff orpington hen, 2 americauna hens, and 2 white silkies which are a hen and rooster.
4) My favorite aspects are being able to watch my chickens go from chicks to adults. I love seeing what their personalities turn out to be and of course if they are a male or female. Hearing young roosters crow has always been so exciting and laughable.
6) Currently I am a senior in college studying wildlife management. My other pet is a 7 year old Siamese mix cat with calico coloring named Kiki. She is an only child aside from the chickens.
7) I first found BYC through a Google search and was part of the Facebook group. I have known about BYC since I was 12-13. I decided to rejoin because it is nice to have a community of other chicken lovers who can understand where you are coming from.
Thank you for letting me join!

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