

May 6, 2022
Atlanta, GA
Hi, all! My name is Isabella and I’m starting out with my first flock of backyard chickens! I’ve wanted chickens for year and fortunately I work at a place that sells chicks seasonally and was a perfect introduction to chicks and inspired me to finally start my flock. I have a Sapphire Gem, an Easter Egger, a Partridge Rock, a Columbian Wyandotte, an Isabella Leghorn, and a Rhode Island Red. I honestly can’t remember what originally inspired me to want chickens, but I know now that it wasn’t just a phase! I find lots of joy with my chickies. Aside from chicken keeping, I enjoy reading, working out, hiking, crocheting, and shooting at the range as well as archery. On top of my six chickens, I have two cats and a fish, and I hope to only add to my little fur family. I’ve browsed BYC since I started my flock to see the information and knowledge that others had, and finally decided to join.

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