

7 Years
Jun 30, 2016
QLD Australia
So after leaving Chelsea & Delilah to get settled yesterday, this morning i took the chicks out to the hen house to see how they went...our Lohmons & the Australorp done well with the big girls...the chick we were told was a light sussex (now believed to be a red sex link roo) did not behave so kindly at all & i have separated him from the others again. Would this be just another sign he is definitely a roo? He was chest bumping the 10wk old light sussex & jumping up on her back 'biting' at her neck...which she was not at all ok with
He is about 5 & a half weeks old, & hasnt behaved like that with the 2 chicks (same age) that he lives with at the moment.

Also, should i be worried that the Coronation Sussex has not yet come out of the coop this morning? It is 10am here, she is awake, just hasnt ventured outside yet. Do chickens take some time to settle in? Shld i try taking her out for water at least or maybe add water to the coop? As far as i am aware she hasnt eaten or had a drink since she went into the coop last night about 7-8pm. She is about 14wks old, give or take a week.


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11am & she is out & about. Maybe she just likes to laze about in bed like me...if i ever get the chance

*The feeder is only on the ground as i am taking it out & adding pvc piping feeders today.
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Any ideas on why the one chick behaved that way? Just a roo thing? The other 2 chicks have been with the older 2 girls all day now & everyone is getting along really well. Meanwhile, grumpy is still in solitary confinement, & has finally quietened down

As it is winter here, night temps probably 15-20C, should i still bring the chicks back inside overnight? They are almost 6wks old.

*I moved them back inside when they went into the coop. Back with the 'naughty one"...who is behaving fine still with them.
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Sorry to be annoying guys
but after alot of research i am still confused as to when the chicks can stay outside? Some people seem to move them out very early, while others wait much longer. I know weather plays a huge part, & it is winter here...but it is also Queensland Australia, so not freezing by any means.

So...any suggestions on whether the 'almost 6wk olds' can move outside permanently with the older girls (10wks & 14wks) now?
I don't know - I start all my chicks out in a brooder in the coop. We got ours at the end of March in Minnesota. It got down to as low as 25* one night, but with a light on them they were fine. They were out of the brooder exploring their half of the coop around 3-4 weeks, and getting acquainted with the old hens at 4-5 weeks. They were fully integrated around 5 weeks. Once they are fully feathered, they can handle a lot cooler temps. I'm not sure how cold it gets in Queensland, so you'll have to use your judgement.
With the temperatures well above freezing they should be alright out in the coop. I usually brood my chicks outside in a tractor coop starting in the late winter. By the time they are six weeks they have feathered out and I am removing the heat. Its spring and the temperatures can still fall below freezing outside the coop, and they are able to handle that. The chicks that have been raised with a broody mother in winter have been taken outside in the snow by their mothers at a much younger and less feathered state. If they are fully feathered they will be able to handle it in their new down coats.
Thank you both for the replies. I removed the heat entirely in their brooder about a week ago. A week prior to that i turned the heat off during the day only. They actually seem to settle more at night since ive turned off the heat source (infared) so i can only assume they really dont need it anymore. I think i will keep them outside tonight, i will just listen for any fussing.

On another note, i have ordered the start of what will eventually be a big run, & yesterday made up a couple of pvc pipe hoping they work out, but i guess it is all just trial & error until you find what works best for you. I am absolutely LOVING having chickens though & only wish i had got them years ago.
Well these 2 babes didnt seem to want to be outside. They did snuggle in the coop for a little while...then the big girls went in for the night & im not sure if they kicked them out or not but the chicks were back out in the run i bought them back inside to the brooder. I will try again tonight...spoilt little things

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