Inventive wire dog crate brooder


Mar 19, 2016

Just thought I would show my wire dog crate brooders. I lined them with plastic, easy to clean and can be thrown out if needed and thr babies can't escape. Already lost one that I thought was older and could not get through the wire. I am certain may cats got him. I had to make super secure due to the cats that come into the garage. One already had a top opening and the other I turned on its side to open from the top.
I'd never be able to reach my birds or be able to clean if I put mine on end (great dane sized crate).

I find it easier to reach in from their level than from the top, but I put my kennel up on saw horses so that we aren't giants over them.
And since they are up and I don't have cats to worry about, I just wrap the bottom with something (tyvek in this case) to keep the littles in and keep the sand in once I've swapped to sand (I usually use towels for the first week or so)

. We also used a dog crate as a brooder. Very easy to clean. We just put cardboard around it and used zip ties to secure the heat lamp to the top. Removable plastic bottom made cleanup easy. The cardboard also helped keep heat in.

Here is the one for my bigger birds with a standard size crate laid on its side so it opens from the top and wrapped with plastic to keep debris from flying all over and cats from poking their claws in.
Nice 'crate' brooders:) I was thinking about that...but that'd let the puppy loose for 7 weeks & that just not fly haha
Lol! I have extra crates from helping in dog rescue and my dogs are pretty good nowdays. My cats already pawed one out it seem as he mysteriously disappered. and since I cant access a side door with it wrapped on plastic it went on end. But love the idea of it up high linowdays. Awesome!

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